You can get some nice rainbows on egg patterns during fall when they get in behind spawning brown trout and feed on eggs.
Fall Fishing on the East River
Fished the East River with Elliot and Matt this afternoon and had a great time. They both caught a lot of fish, including this nice brown Elliot landed toward the end of the day.
Taylor River
Marc with a nice fish on the Taylor River at our Taylor River Lodge. Fun afternoon!
Fall Dry Fly Fishing
The weather really improved and we’ve had some beautiful fall weather. Got out to see the aspens and do some fishing on my day off. Had a good day on the river getting some decent fish on dry flies, like this nice cutbow here.
Winter Fishing!
We had a dose of winter fishing yesterday on Tomichi Creek, but Dick hung in there through rain, wind, sleet and snow, to catch a bunch of nice fish. This rainbow was especially fun since we had to really work to get a clean drift across some fast water with a small dry fly.
Big Fish on Dry Flies
Dick and John caught some nice fish today on dry flies at our Taylor River Lodge. We had a decent hatch and enough to get the fish looking up. Fun day!
Taylor River
Had a fun day exploring some public water on the Taylor River with Phil and Jim yesterday. We got lucky with some cloud cover and a nice PMD hatch after lunch. There were also some BWOs in the mix that kept the dry fly fishing going in the afternoon. Early in the morning, Jim got this nice rainbow on a streamer.
Dry Fly Fishing on the Taylor
DK did well chasing fish on the Taylor River today with dry flies and got this nice cutthroat to look up. Great job!
Taylor River
We’re still seeing good mayfly hatches on the Taylor River and getting fish to look up. It’s been very good on the cloudy/rainy days in the afternoons. Had a fun day with Hans and his son Max at Taylor River Lodge catching some nice rainbows on dry flies.
Native Cutthroat
It’s always fun to get up in the mountains to fish small creeks and chase hungry cutthroat. There’s just something about being out there and catching our native fish on a dry fly all day long. It’s tough to beat.