A nice 22-inch rainbow from the Taylor River. Got her on my 4-weight with a size 22 mayfly emerger on 6X. Very fun!
Arkansas River Trip
Had a nice few days of camping and fishing up near the headwaters of the Arkansas River. Caught lots of pretty wild brown trout. It was a really great trip.
Summer Season
Summer is upon us now and the bugs are hatching and the trout are looking up. Let’s hope for some rain!
Runoff and Small Creeks
When the big rivers are in runoff, the small creeks can fish well since they will typically drop and clear sooner. June can be a good time to fish the mountain streams, especially during low water years like this one.
Snowpack Update
This SNOTEL graph shows the recent snowpack and Snow Water Equivalent (SWE) details for the Gunnison River Basin. (Click on image to enlarge.) We are well below average/normal, and sadly, we’re looking at drought conditions this summer.
Brown Trout
A pretty wild trout with nice fins and good color. Love the red spots on brown trout. No two fish ever look the same. (Click on images to enlarge.)
Small Streams
Fishing the small streams prior to runoff can be a lot of fun. It’s pretty much Wooly Buggers all day long. There’s just something about being up in the mountains and catching a lot of wild trout with a 7-foot bamboo rod and not seeing another angler the entire time.
Streamer Fishing
Pre-runoff streamer fishing can be great in early spring, especially for a few days after they release 2 or 3 million salmon fry in the East River so they can make their down way to Blue Mesa Reservoir. It’s just crazy good fishing.
Pre-Runoff Fishing
The snow is melting in the Gunnison Valley and the rivers are rising with early runoff. Fish are keying in on stonefly nymphs and midges, and they also chasing streamers. This runoff will probably be short and sweet based on the above average temperatures we’re experiencing. Fishing will continue to be good until the rivers blow out, which could be in the next two weeks (or less).
Early Season
Got out for some early season fishing over the weekend. There was a good midge hatch in the afternoon and we caught some decent fish on dry flies. Water is very low still, but with temps creeping up to nearly 60 degrees later this week, we’ll see rivers begin to rise.